We’d all like to pretend that looks don’t matter but, come on—let’s get real. We all want to look good. In fact, a study conducted by OnePoll found that roughly 57 percent of people living in the United States cover their mouths when they laugh due to insecurity about the way their teeth look.
The best option for investing in your looks long term is going to be investing in a beautiful smile. Especially considering that if you don’t keep up with your teeth, you may literally lose them. Check out the following three reasons why investing the time, energy, and money into a healthy smile can change your life:
1) You’ll have more self-confidence.
Did you know that as many as 57 percent of folks living in the United States would rather have a beautiful smile than clear skin? Clearly, great smiles are more important than our tendency to put off seeing a dentist would indicate.
Quality dental care is key to ensuring a healthy and attractive smile that you won’t want to hide. Luckily, if you live in Arizona, by checking out greatsmilesaz.com, you’ll find affordable dentistry options. At Great Smiles Dental Care, you’ll find a skilled team to help you with all your dental needs. Whether you merely need a general dentist or a cosmetic dentist, Dr. Wendelschafer has many different specializations to help you with whatever dental care you need.
Get your confidence back with aesthetic restorations and then enjoy the healthy smile general dentistry can give you by requesting an appointment for dental care today. After your initial exam, you will be thoroughly informed about your treatment options in detail helping you make the best decision about your oral health.
2) Your oral health and overall health will improve.
Investing in a healthy mouth is also one of the easy steps to better overall health. For example, if your issue is misaligned teeth, you probably have a harder time keeping your teeth clean (getting the floss in between overlapping or crooked teeth can be a nightmare). This issue tends to lead to cavities and gum disease. This can even cause an infection called periodontitis, which, if left untreated, can even increase your risk of heart disease in some cases.
Luckily, Dr. Wendelschafer offers a wide variety of procedures including Invisalign, dental implants, dental veneers, dental crowns, teeth whitening, and all the general dentistry services required to maintain great smiles.
3) You may even receive financial incentives.
According to the previously mentioned study by Cision PR Newswire, people with straight teeth are seen by those in the United States as 45 percent more likely to get a job and are 73 percent more likely to find someone trustworthy if they have a nice smile. Therefore, investing in cosmetic dentistry services could not only benefit your health (psychologically and physically), but it could also potentially make you more successful, leading to possible promotions, better jobs, and, even a better social life.
Plus, if you have the right insurance, you can almost certainly afford it. When it comes to insurance everyone needs, the most important type of insurance is going to be health coverage. Not only do you never know when unexpected medical bills can come up, but sometimes the right health insurance policy can ease the financial burden of your dental needs as well.
Bonus tip: In some cases, you can bundle your insurance policies to save money. For example, maybe your insurance company would offer you a discount if you bundled your medical care coverage with your dental coverage or, if you bundle your life insurance policy with your long-term disability insurance, you could be illegible for a discount.